2016年2月19日 讯/ --在我们减肥或维持健康体重过程中如果有一件事情可以避免的话,那肯定就是限制饮食了,看似简单的日常行为或许是维持机体体重的关键。
进行这些分析给我们带来的最大触动是什么呢?研究者Brian Wansink博士就表示,很多苗条人士都不会限制饮食或者有强烈的健康制度来维持健康的体重,相反这些个体会经常练习一些简单的习惯,而并不是不吃早饭。如果我们在同体重作斗争的话,在日常生活中尝试着一些简单的实践方法,这样我们或许可以更加轻松地保持健康的体重和身材。
Shedding light on lifelong strategies for weight control
If there is one thing to avoid when trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight, it's a restrictive diet! Instead, simple routine behaviors may be key.
To shed light on the health behaviors of those who maintain a healthy weight, Cornell Food and Brand Lab researchers developed an online Global Healthy Weight Registry (formerly named the Slim by Design Registry). Adults of healthy weight were invited to sign up for the registry and then answer questions about diet, exercise, and daily routines (see the infographic for more details about registry participants).
The researcher's analysis of 147 adult Registry participants unveiled some common routine behaviors of those who stay healthy and slim. Namely, 96% reported eating breakfast, 42% exercised 5+ times a week, and 50% weighed themselves at least weekly. Although 74% never or rarely dieted, 92% reported being conscious of what they ate. As part of their habits that lead to weight control, 44% reported at least one non-restrictive strategy (such as listening to inner cues, cooking at home, and eating high-quality, non-processed foods).